Tired of getting cold sales pitch on LinkedIn? Here’s a solution that I hope everyone steals.
When someone sends me a pitch, I reply with this:
Hey thanks for reaching out but please know I get a TON of messages exactly like this every day. So many that I can’t reply to all of them.
That being said, here’s how I recommend we move forward…
(A). Check out my profile if you haven’t already and make sure I’m an ideal customer/client.
(B). Connect with me if you haven’t already.
(C). Post content on LinkedIn regularly (no sales pitches, just what you do, exactly how you help people, why I should pay attention, etc.) – giving away valuable content will be more helpful and effective than any conversation we could have.
(D). Engage with my content… this is the #1 way to get me to notice you and your content.
(E). After some time (could be days, weeks, months) I’ll reach out to you to start a conversation if it seems like there’s an opportunity to work together.
I know this is not what you wanted to hear but you deserve honesty… and the truth is I only work with people who take this approach when it comes to sales, marketing and networking. I hope you understand.
I look forward to connecting and seeing your content!
Read Also: Types of LinkedIn Users!