How to Build a successful Sales Pitch in 3 Easy Steps?

Sales Pitch, Sales Pitch Strategy, Sales Pitch Examples

The way you formulate and present your sales pitch is the heart of any sale. If you fumble, the lead goes cold. Before you meet a customer, or mail them, or work on a cold call, it is important that you perfect the pitch. Your opening line becomes your verbal business card and the first thing that the customer will notice when you call or meet them. Therefore, it is important that your sales pitch strategy is always perfect and well-practiced. 

Unlike the old days when the buyer had limited resources, the modern buyer does in-depth research of the product or service and the company before they talk to a salesperson. According to a study, about 96% of prospects will research before engaging with a sales rep. This means that anything less than a stellar sales pitch is not going to cut the deal. 

Why should your sales pitch be perfect?

As a salesperson or a seller, you need to present your product or service in a way that it truly resonates with the buyer and addresses their pain points. 73% of sales reps fail to grasp the client’s needs, and only 27% of buyers are convinced that the sales reps know what their business or needs are. 

Simply defined a sales pitch is a quick, condensed, and catchy sales presentation which gives the salesperson a window to showcase the product or service’s value. In general, a sales pitch is ideally less than one to two minutes. They are also known as elevator pitches and can be done in an elevator (hence the name), over call, email, meeting, networking events, or even when you are walking alongside the client. 

A good salesperson should be able to get his point across in a compelling manner to have the buyer hooked at the opening line and stay hooked. Once you have nailed the sales pitch, more than half of the job is already done. It is enough to just quote from the website or bring up some general data that the buyer will already know. To hone your sales pitch strategy, you need to have your hand on the pulse of the client’s business, needs, pain points, and other factors, and also know your competition. But it is easier said than done. Every seller needs to create a unique and meaningful sales pitch to increase customer retention

How to build a successful sales pitch in 3 easy steps ?

A successful sales pitch is a combination of art and science aimed at boosting customer retention. Here are three easy steps to build a concise sales pitch with some sales pitch examples to help you form an unbeatable strategy.

Step 1

Know your audience and their pain points 

Sales pitch strategy: 

Start by knowing your audience and identifying the problems they face. Do a deep research about what your target group of customers, their needs, pain points and preferences. The more you know your customer, the more effective your pitch will be.  

Keep in mind that you are not going to have the time, attention, and patience of your audience for a long duration, so your hook line becomes the most important part of the sales pitch. The hook line can be a straightforward question, a provocative question, a captivating facts, or just a mutual interest.

Your research will also help you figuring out the challenges your prospects are facing. Take the time to research what your prospect likes and does not like. Check the company page, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms and list down common interests and current challenges. Find the problem and tailor your pitch to be the solution. If you are aiming at a B2B deal, then your research should aim on the decision makers, the obstacles they face, and the personnel with major roles in the entire sales process. 

Some sales pitch examples

  • I understand that your business often struggles with inventory management efficiently, leading to overhead costs. 
  • I noticed that you are also into […].. what a small world!
  • Great seeing you at xyz event.. I see you are also interested in (product).
  • Our service will cut down the onboarding time by half. 

Step 2

Be the clear and compelling solution

Sales pitch strategy 

Once you have established what you are selling, the next step is to present your product or service as a solution. Explain the problem they are facing and center the pitch with conviction that the product or service is the ideal solution. Focus on the benefits and features and back up with data. Your language should be personal, persuasive, straightforward, and relatable. Stores help at this stage. People remember stores 22 times more than just the facts. Weave in the narrative with your product or service as the hero. 

Sales pitch examples 

  • Just imagine not having to monitor (name the process).
  • Our solution will integrate in your existing system making the sales funnel highly effective.
  • We have clients who have increased their ROI multiple folds with our training solutions. How about I share their case study?
  • Our automation products will cut your operational costs in 30%, and you will get real time. updates eliminating the need of shortage and overstocks ever again. 

Step 3

Create a clear and strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

Sales pitch strategy 

The last step of a good sales pitch is a powerful CTA that motivates your prospect to take the next step (purchase or subscription). This can be in the form of a demo, trial, or finalizing the purchase. Be clear and firm about what you want, and give them all the necessary information that they might need to proceed. 

Sales pitch examples 

  • I would love to connect and discuss this further, how is your schedule in the first half of the week?
  • We would love to arrange a demo and trial of how our software can transform your inventory management. Let’s schedule a half hour demo this week, say Thursday at 2 pm?
  • We have some exciting new opportunities; can we grab a quick call next Wednesday to talk about this?

Ideally everybody in the company, from the top boss to the CEO to the product designer to the sales consultants, should know the one-line sales pitch by heart. Whether you are pitching to a person or to a company the sales pitch strategy can make or break the deal. Keep it confident and customer centric, and customizable. 
