Leading the Visions, Inspiring Success!
Rejection Makes You Perfect Bill Gates’ big secret to getting rich. He showed his idea to 1200 people 900…
I was not authenticity at all. Authenticity, how do you measure that? True to yourself Being very sincere You…
What is a mentor? 1. Someone who belongs to your industry or field of expertise. 2. Someone who has…
I’ve said it a hundred times before and my people are always like, not again Amit! This is the…
There could be more than 10 objections in sales that your prospect might have. 10 objections in sales The…
1. You’re not qualified for the next role 2. You haven’t mastered your current role 3. You don’t have…
Some people will never make it big in their lives even if they want to… Here are some reasons…
In last 16 years I worked with more than 25 bossesFew were good but majority were corporate zombies.They just…
Small things can never worry a big thinker. Be the big thinker who dreams of changing the world. Big…
Sales leaders are often arrogant. The more arrogant, the less seriously I take them as long-term executives. Why? Well,…
Stop bragging to everyone that you read 25 books a year. Publish one. Stop telling everyone about the podcasts…
Here’s a framework I always followed to close more deals. It’s called the PASTOR framework. It works really well…