Believe in yourself and be confident about yourself

about yourself!

Back in my college, about yourself during one of the lectures, a professor took out a 500 rupee note from his pocket and asked us a simple question – “Who wants this note? I am going to give it to only 1 student” “All 60 hands went up within seconds.”

The professor then crumpled the note and asked us the question again- now how many of you want this note? All 60 students raised their hands again. He then dropped the currency on the ground, which was dusty and picked up the dirty note, kept it on the table and asked us again – Now who wants this note? All the hands went up again.

Finally, the professor told us – no matter what circumstances were, the money didn’t lose its value. Similarly, all of you students will face difficult times in your life. Some of you will be thrashed badly to the ground but remember not to lose your value. Nobody can take your skills away from you. Keep working on yourself and increase your own worth each day.
