Delhi is safe. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Delhi Is Safe

Yesterday, two of my friends ( female ) were traveling from Delhi to Noida when they suddenly realized that the car’s tyre was punctured.

They had just reached the DND flyover, and the time was around 10.45 pm, and a cold winter night ( around 7°C ). They looked around for help and even googled for the nearest petrol pump, but all in vain.

Delhi known to be unsafe for girls, they dialed 100 number for help. Delhi is safe Police asked for their exact location, and a highway patrol car reached the spot within 10 mins. They not only changed the punctured tyre, but also escorted them on their way back to home Hats off to the Delhi Police for being so prompt and efficient!

In our lives, at some point or the other, each one of us must have blamed the police for being inefficient. But this incident made me realise that our system is not that bad as we think of it to be. And there are police officers working day and night even when it’s 5°C cold or 40° C hot. Delhi is unsafe because there are a few people who need to change their mentality and start respecting girls a little more. And in no time, Delhi will definitely be a safe place to live in.

Read Also: Good people exist on this planet!